Bill McGraw

Dr. William J. McGraw PhD

4398 Parklawn Drive

Windsor, WI 53598




Doctorate in Continuing and Vocational Education

Curriculum vitae

William J. McGraw PhD
4398 Parklawn Drive
Windsor, WI 53598

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                        2007
Major-Continuing and Vocational Education, Minor-Educational Leadership and       
Policy Analysis,                                             
Dissertation: Students and online writing labs (OWLs):  Challenges, learning strategies and attributes of high quality OWLs

M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                         1994
Major-Curriculum & Instruction, Minor- Educational Technology,
 B.S. Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                  1993


Advancing the understanding of the teaching and learning experiences of adults,  addressing issues of adult learning challenges, investigating innovations in instructional design, program review and evaluation, e-learning, digital technologies and learning, nexus between lifelong learning and quality of life issues, use of adult assistive technologies, leadership in adult education and distance education, and the issues involved with persistence and learner support.


Learning Technology Coordinator/Instructional Technologist
University of Wisconsin (UW) Madison School of Human Ecology (2000-2005) and UW Rock County (1998-1999)
Managed the daily operations of a busy college instructional technology office. Recruited, interviewed, hired, trained and assisted staff. Budget development and monitoring. Leader, project manager, and needs assessor. Took initiative on important projects. Checked time sheets and worked with payroll.

Second Shift Supervisor
Medalist Sand-Knit 4 E. Franklin, Waupun, WI (1977-78)
Second shift supervisor whose responsibilities included job scheduling, quality assurance, repair and maintenance of equipment, insure work flow, checked time sheets, assisted in inventory control, and problem solving.

Correctional Officer
Wisconsin State Prison, Madison St, Box C, Waupun, WI (1975-1977) and US Department of Justice, Federal Correctional Institution, Oxford, WI. 1974
Correctional Officer supervising groups of men in various settings. Ensured the laws and policies of the Bureau of Prisons were maintained. Responsible for men in various prison settings.


Workplace trainer
University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Human Ecology (2000-2005) 
Face-to-face training of faculty, students and staff.
Online course developer

   Computer Science teacher, workplace trainer, and continuing education trainer
University of Wisconsin‑Rock County (1998‑1999)
Distance Education Coordinator, Computer Science Teacher, online course developer, Face-to-face faculty and student trainer.

   Computer Science Teacher and workplace trainer.
            Madison Area Technical College ‑Madison, WI 1997-2000
   Computer Science Teacher and continuing education trainer
            University of Wisconsin‑Platteville (1995‑1996).
   Computer Science teacher
Division of Information Technology (DoIT), University of Wisconsin‑Madison (1992­- 1995).         


  Instructional Technologist
University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Human Ecology (2000-2005)
             Learning Technology Coordinator, face-to-face trainer of faculty, staff, and students
            On-line course developer
            Web site developer

 Instructional Technologist
            University of Wisconsin‑Rock County (1998‑1999).
 Distance Education Coordinator and Web site developer

  Help desk person
            Sitel Corp., 1117 Deming Way, Madison, WI 1997-1998.
            Support Engineer solving computer, software, and peripheral equipment problems.



Computer repair and service, setup, installed, troubleshot and maintained technology equipment.  I have experience with many types of software including Adobe Creative Suite 2, Macromedia Suite 8, Corel Office Suite, Painter 9.5, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, MS Office Suite, and AutoDesk products. In addition I have used software such as follows: animation, desktop publishing, audio editing, graphics,  screen capture, interior design, image databases, virus protection, Html editors, bibliography, Course Management Systems, author ware, 3D, presentation, data analysis, teaching tools, web Interaction, assistive technologies, screen and text readers, voice recognition, speech to text, and transcription machines. I also have experience with all the MS Office Suites plus Project 2003, InfoPath, Outlook and Visio. I fixed, adjusted, or maintained audio-visual equipment. I have created many web sites, CDs, DVDs and digital media. I create online instructional training materials using screen recorders. I use, mini-DV video camcorders, and digital still cameras.


Member, Undergraduate Program Committee
UW-Madison School of Human Ecology (2002-2004)
Chair and member of the Committee on Academic Staff Issues
UW-Madison School of Human Ecology (2001-2004).



Prof. Joy Dohr,
supervisor at School of Human Ecology
Phone (608) 262-1367

Professor Emerita Chere Campbell Gibson,
PhD committee major professor and course instructor
Phone (608)824-0303

Prof. Michael E. Hunt,
faculty at School of Human Ecology
Phone (608) 262-8822

Prof. Alan Knox,
member of PhD committee and courses instructor
(608) 263-2937

Prof. Roberto J. Rengel,
faculty at School of Human Ecology
Phone (608) 265-5209

(Further references available in my credential)

CREDENTIAL: Complete dossier is available from:

            Educational Placement & Career Services
            B150 Education Building, 1000 Bascom Mall
            University of Wisconsin-Madison
            Madison, WI 53706
(608) 262-1755






Note bene:

I have conducted research into several subjects. For my PhD dissertation, I used a qualitative research method that examined how college students use an online writing lab. I used a qualitative methodology to examine how educational policies are decided by the Wisconsin State Legislature. I also evaluated a UW campus technology training program.


As a leader at two University of Wisconsin campuses (Rock County and Madison) my roles have included initiating projects, scheduling rooms, supervision and evaluation of staff, creating and revising curriculum, budget creation and monitoring, working with cross campus units, program development, working to make changes, planning to meet the needs of students and faculty, setting priorities, coordinating people and services, creating a vision of improvements, making decisions, solving problems, promoting services, staffing people who will assist faculty and students, allocating resources to meet the needs of faculty, evaluating outcomes, and resolving conflicts. I have worked in leadership roles to make contributions to the organizations I have worked in. As a leader in the instructional technology department at UW-Madison’s School of Human Ecology (SoHE), my roles included a vision of improvement for the department, setting goals, priorities, and policies. I also staffed, managed, and directed my people to ensure high quality services. I prepared budgets, managed projects, and evaluated the success of the department.

I have combined my experience as a leader with the University courses I have taken on such topics as leadership, evaluation, reform and change in education, research methods, field research, and statistics. I attended the online school, Capella University. At Capella I took such courses as evaluation, educational change, research methods, and the future of educational institutions, personnel administration, and trends in online instruction.

I have managed the daily operations of a department as well as supervised people, and prepared budgets. I have experience with program development, initiating projects, and I worked with faculty in the planning of online courses. I have conducted needs assessments and revised curriculum as needed to meet the needs of the students. I coordinated a busy technology department at both UW-Rock County and the School of Human Ecology (SoHE) for years. I am use to prioritizing requests, decision making, and I have served on two university committees. For example, I was a member of the undergraduate program committee at SoHE.

I have conducted research into several subjects. I used a qualitative research method that examined how college students use an online writing lab. I used a qualitative methodology to examine how educational policies are decided by the Wisconsin State Legislature. I have taken two quantitative research courses. I also evaluated a UW campus technology training program. I use several evaluation models to evaluate training. For example, I have used Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model, the Provus Discrepancy model, and Stufflebeam’s CIPP model.



Below are examples of work I have done either alone or with other people. However in all cases, I supervised the final products.

Examples of online Camtasia Studio online video instruction

NEW improved Power point

Adobe Photoshop  


Small sample of student support and assistance work

Help for Students

Help with becoming a successful student


Savvy Student Learning Workshops



Small sample of faculty support and assistance

Americans with Disability Act

Faculty Resources

Computer Health Issues




Assistive technologies and techno-savvy resources

Techno-Savy Resources

Step-by-step instructional materials
Small sample of art work previously done by William McGraw

Small samples of artwork


Newer artwork by William can be seen soon

William's business interests can be seen here

This page was last updated on: June 24, 2007
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©2007 William McGraw