Assistive technologies and techno-savvy
See the web sites below for more information on these learning
and teaching technologies. I
suggest you download the demo software, try it and if you like it, buy it. The
software I am showing you I have tried, like and bought it. But, you may prefer
something else, try using to
find the information you seek.
Later I will setup hands-on workshops so you can
learn how to use selected software. Let me know which software you would like
the learn. Send an e-mail to
However, I think you will find the software is easy to learn and has adequate
online help. I have had little problems with most of these technologies. But, if
you need help, let me know.
I use these technologies as a PhD student in the CAVE program
and as the Learning Technology Coordinator at the School of Human Ecology. I
bought these technologies because of their cost, ease of use and versatility.
PDAs for college some of the software
I use include for researching papers, taking notes and reading documents with my
for searching for books, journals and web sites then creating bibliographic
citations for writing papers.
PocketCities are software to use with endnote. They will convert files to
and from the PDA to your computer.
Documents to Go
allows you to use MS Word, Excel and Access with your PDA.
Manager, is part of InkLINK whereby you can draw images, design objects or
write with your PDA.
USB hubs are used to
plug-in multiple devices into one USB slot. You can add 4 USB devices into one
USB slot.
flash-memory, are finger size memory devices that fit into a USB slot. You
can carry 128 MB of files in your pocket.
network adapter if you do not have a wireless card, this device will connect
to the network.
Assistive technologies for writing papers
generate and organize ideas
with Writer’s
outline, structure and develop
your ideas with Inspiration7,
create a draft of your paper,
check it for problems and revise it with Roughdraft,
speak into a microphone and
see your text on the computer screen by using speech to text ViaVoice,
type words and see possible
words popup by using
word prediction
use spelling and grammar
checkers such as MS
Word or WordPerfect, or use
autocorrect and with
MS Word,
for searching for books, journals and web
site for references in writing papers use
bibliographic software such as Endnote,
Nota Bene, or
tired of reading? first scan
the text using OmniPage or Readiris, then use ReadPlease
to hear the words you scanned,
need some help with the APA
format? use
APA style
the Writing Center recommends
taking notes during your reading, you can create 4X5 or 3X4 note cards using MS Word,
you can use note-taking software such as
TakeNote or QUERY
note-taking software. Re-working your lecture notes can be done with ViaVoice
(speech to text) or Inspiration
software or TakeNote. The point is to refine your raw notes into a more useable
form. Re-working your notes into note cards will help you prepare for tests,
write papers and finish projects (web sites). This is due to the ease of finding
the information you seek, organize it and use it in writing or web development.
Endnote is excellent for writing papers because you can find references, insert
references into your paper and format the bibliography.
you can check your paper
for potential problems by using document checking software such as Writer’s Workbench,
Tips to use the web for college writing
Assistive technologies for the web or
use software that speaks
words on the web by using
web readers-audio such as ReadPlease,
have lots of bookmarks or
favorites? want to organize all those web markers? then use
have lots of reading to do
or a large web site to read? then use a
text summarizer such as Copernic,
now they make hiliters for the web just like
hiliters for print materials, use iMarkup.
giving a Powerpoint presentation and tired of shaking the mouse or laser
pointer? then use
and do you lose track of time when presenting? then use
attache clock.
Assistive technologies for reading
college textbooks
textual materials
tired of
reading text? then use text to speech software by scanning the text with OmniPage,
then listen to the text by using ReadPlease,
make notes
from your lectures or readings using speech to text software such as ViaVoice,
setup and use
references with Endnote
and make
note cards with MS Word.
Writing papers using
Assistive technologies and study skills
need to
capture information on the chalkboard, bulletin board or get to know your
classmates? try using a small camera, Pencams,
or organize your notes with a
visual organizer
you can
record an entire lecture, discussion or lab by using
digital recorders
and take notes, draw pictures or design objects that go directly into
your computer by using
inklink writing pens.
More help with study skills comes from the book “Becoming a Master
Student” by Dave Ellis (see link below) and my web site. My web site will have
readings, inventories and help with study skills later in the semester.