Learning Technology @ School of Human Ecology

Bill McGraw | Room 190 School of Human Ecology | Office Phone: 265.0534 | Cell Phone: 334.4514


Techno-Savy Resources

TS Topics

If you have ideas about helping students to learn better and teachers to teach better, please email Bill McGraw.

How can DoIT help students?
A discussion on the range of no-cost services offered to students by DoIT.
How can DoIT help teachers?
A discussion on the range of no-cost services offered to teachers by DoIT.
Do you need help with web browsers?
Do you need help with wireless technology?
Learn about the purpose, benefits, and challenges of wireless technology in higher education.
Becoming an excellent student
An article to help with becoming a master student.
Study skills workshops
Study skills workshops will be held in September and October 2003. For more information, call Bill McGraw at 265-0534 or email wmcgraw@wisc.edu.
Campus Resources
Campus resources to help students academically.
How can UW-Madison Libraries help you?
Do you know about InterLibrary Loan?
Learn about the InterLibrary Loan options of the UW-Madison Libraries
How to use WebCt
Need help citing references?
For help citing references you can use Endnote or ProCite
Need help making a table of contents?
Help in making a table of contents.

More help with study skills comes from the book Becoming a Master Student by Dave Ellis and from my web site.

My web site has readings, inventories, and help with study skills.